export const AWESOME_LBRY = "https://github.com/LBRYFoundation/Awesome-LBRY"; export const features = [ { description: "Get your head around LBRY with 3 interactive examples.", destination: "/playground", label: "Party in the Playground", title: "Learn By Trying" }, { description: "Dig into the formal specification of the LBRY protocol.", destination: "/spec", label: "Study the Spec", title: "Learn By Reading" } ] export const resources = [ { title: "Overview", href: "/overview", description: "What if anyone in the world could publish a piece of digital content, anyone else in the world could access it, for free or for payment, and that entire system worked end-to-end without any centralized authority or point of control?" }, { title: "Resources", href: "/resources", description: "Looking for API documentation, formal specifications, how-tos, resources, or the meaning of life? Find at least some of these things in the resources area." }, { title: "Specifications", href: "/spec", description: "Dig into the formal specification of the LBRY protocol." } ] export const contributions = [ { url: "/assets/svg/code.svg", title: "Coding" }, { url: "/assets/svg/wand-magic-sparkles.svg", title: "Creating" }, { url: "/assets/svg/keyboard.svg", title: "Writing" }, { url: "/assets/svg/comments.svg", title: "Testing" } ] export const featured = [ { src: "https://codeberg.org/MorsMortium/LBRY-GTK/media/branch/CRewrite/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/lbry-gtk.svg", href: "https://codeberg.org/MorsMortium/LBRY-GTK", title: "LBRY GTK", description: "LBRY-GTK as the name suggests is a GTK client to the LBRY network." }, { src: "https://github.com/alojzjakob/LBRYworm/raw/main/lbryworm/css/lbryworm-logo.png", href: "https://www.lbryworm.com/", title: "Bookworm", description: "LBRY Worm is a search engine that surfaces books from the LBRY blockchain." }, { src: "https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/14793624/126025087-08fae6dd-e9d3-4eed-9f3a-aa15661553e3.png", href: "https://github.com/Hound-fm/podcatcher", title: "Podcatcher", description: "Audio media crawler for lbry." } ]